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Stefan Reiss has been researching drawing, painting, sculpture, installation, projection and light as an artistic medium for over ten years. The basis of all his work is the examination of the topic of transformation. In his works, Stefan Reiss focuses on human comprehension, i.e. the haptic perception of the work of art and the comprehensibility of space and spatiality: with the whole body and all senses. Virtual space and digital tools form essential components. But in contrast to industrial, digital transformation, Stefan Reiss carries out a multidimensional transformation of the digital symbols into the real, tangible space and back again. With the spatialization of digital elements or the digitization of analogue approaches, interdisciplinary works of art are created in which both worlds not only connect, clash and overlap, but also contradict and repel each other. The transformation of real and virtual space are not linear translations in one direction, but rather mutually stimulating processes that result in a reorganization of both spaces.

Stefan Reiss, OT976 ALF-Copyright Janusvanden Eijnden, galerie probst berlin
Stefan Reiss, OT683, galerie probst Berlin
Stefan Reiss, OT682, galerie probst Berlin
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